Who would be the audience for your media product?

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Who would be the audience for your media product? von Mind Map: Who would be the audience for your media product?

1. The target audience for our film opening is mainly aimed at teenagers because it's a very popular audience and it fits in with all the laws for the movie to be watched by teenagers. Another reason why the audience is teenagers for our media product because the protagonist is in the age group of our target audience therefore it would appeal to the audience because they can relate to themselves. I think our film opening would appeal to this teenager in the picture above because most teenage boys like to think they aren't scared of most things so they go to watch films to see if they get scared, this will attract teenage boys in particular because we have followed all conventions of a horror film opening such as cuts scenes, scary music this will appeal and will persuade them to watch the opening and movie.

2. Another audience we could attract are the people that watch a lot of horror films because they will see we have used the same conventions of a horror such as scary music, cut scenes, scary costumes and props. Therefore they will be attracted to our film.