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PHP von Mind Map: PHP

1. Frameworks

1.1. CodeIgnitor

1.1.1. Kahona

1.2. Symfony

1.3. WordPress

1.4. Joomla

1.4.1. 1.5, 2.5, 3.0

1.5. Others

1.5.1. Zend

1.5.2. Yii

1.6. Mine (inactive)

1.6.1. Sabrayla

1.6.2. Marketing Website Generator / Butterfly Marketing

1.6.3. Jomlink

2. Tools & Infrastructure

2.1. Composer - Dependency Manager

2.2. PHPUnit - Unit Testing

2.3. Pear / PECL

2.4. xDebug / Single Stepping - figure it out

2.5. Issue Tracking

2.5.1. Redmine

2.5.2. Basecamp

2.6. Source Control

2.6.1. Subverion

2.6.2. Git

2.7. Amazon

2.7.1. EC2

2.7.2. S3 / Glacier

2.7.3. RDS

2.7.4. SQS

2.7.5. Others

3. IDEs

3.1. Eclipse

3.2. NetBeans

3.3. PHPStorm

3.4. Zend Ide

3.5. phped

4. Data Store

4.1. MySQL

4.1.1. Amazon RDS

4.2. Other Sql

4.3. MongoDB

4.4. CouchBase

4.5. Redis

4.6. Hibernate

4.7. Hive / Hadoop

4.8. Amzon Dynamo DB

4.9. Amazon S3 (yep)

5. Presentation Layers

5.1. Templating

5.1.1. War - why or why not?

5.1.2. Smarty

5.1.3. Flexy

5.2. HAML

5.3. Twitter "Bootstrap"

6. Javascript & CSS

6.1. JQuery

6.2. Mootools

6.3. Less / Sass CSS

7. Personal Projects

7.1. Component Sales

7.2. BracektPress

7.3. Mobile Site Builder

7.4. Earn Revenue From Product and SaaS sales

8. Selling Software

8.1. SaaS

8.1.1. Controlled Environment

8.1.2. Use the best tool for the job

8.1.3. Harden application and Server

8.1.4. More fun to write (can use newer tech)

8.2. Product Sales

8.2.1. Must run on majority of Servers

8.2.2. PHP5.2 + MySQL 5.1

8.2.3. Don't use anything fancy (PECL, etc)

8.2.4. Security must be at application level

8.2.5. Test CPanel Server

8.2.6. "obfuscation" and Bytecode Encrypting iOncube Zend "optimizer"

8.3. Hybrid (My favorite)

9. Security

9.1. mod_apahe vs. suexec

9.2. Suhosin

9.3. File Permissions

9.4. Strong Passwords

9.5. Best Practices

10. Commercial Offerings - Zend

10.1. Zend Server (pretty cool)

10.2. Zend Ide

10.3. Training

10.4. Certification

11. (Agile) Development

11.1. Release Early / Release Often

11.2. Don't Repeat Yourself

11.3. Continuous Integration

11.4. Unit Testing

11.5. Behavior Driven Design / Test Driven Design

12. Other Languages

12.1. Really?

12.2. Perl

12.3. .NET: C# / VB etc

12.4. Java

12.5. Ruby

12.6. Python

12.7. Javascript

12.8. coffee script

13. Group Projects

13.1. Our own framework (learn how it's done)

13.2. PDO - type driver for MongoDB

13.3. Job Board?

13.4. LouPUG Server available