Interactive Design

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Interactive Design von Mind Map: Interactive Design

1. Influence

1.1. Fluxus

1.2. Computer

1.3. Internet

1.4. Advertising

1.5. Interactive New Media Art

2. Design Patterns

2.1. Common Elements

2.2. Optional Elements

3. Great use of Interactive Design

3.1. Dog Adaption

3.2. Hashtag Killer

3.3. The World's Most Valuable Social Network

4. Future of Interactive Design

5. Five Dimensions

5.1. 1D Words

5.2. 2D Visual Presentations

5.3. 3D Physical Objects or Space

5.4. 4D Time

5.5. 5D Behavior

6. Five Principles

6.1. Consistency

6.2. Visibility

6.3. Learn-ability

6.4. Predictability

6.5. Feedback

7. Interaction

7.1. How do you...?

7.1.1. Do?

7.1.2. Feel?

7.1.3. Know?

8. Gestalt Psychology