Human Trafficking in the EU

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Human Trafficking in the EU von Mind Map: Human Trafficking in the EU

1. Case study of Germany or France

1.1. What does human trafficking look like here?

1.2. Is this because it's a richer country?

2. Thesis: The European Union has not done enough to fight human trafficking within their borders, and that can be seen in the disparity between the richer and poorer states.

2.1. hypothesis: The EU is not efficiently fighting against human trafficking

3. Significance

3.1. The EU is a leader in world governance

3.2. If successful, their solutions could be implemented world wide to stop trafficking

4. Case study of Romania

4.1. What does human trafficking look like here?

4.2. Is this related to it being poor?

5. Ideas

5.1. What does trafficking in the EU look like

5.1.1. Where is it most prevalent? Who does it effect?

5.1.2. Who is in charge of the operations?

5.2. What EU policies are in place fighting it?

5.3. Have they been effective?

5.4. What more could be done?

5.5. Are they EU's policies only effective in the richer countries?