The Trombone

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The Trombone von Mind Map: The Trombone

1. Composers that used the sackbut

1.1. William Byrd

2. The Sackbut

2.1. Alto Sackbut

2.2. Tenor Sackbut

2.3. Bass Sackbut

3. History

4. Modern Trombone

4.1. Tenor Trombone

4.2. F Trigger Trombone

4.3. Bass Trombone

4.4. Alto Trombone

5. Range of Trombone

6. Clefs

6.1. Bass Clef

6.2. Tenor Clef

7. Popular Music to play

7.1. Blue Bells of Scottland

7.2. Carnival of Venice