Organize and structure your thoughts to write an essay

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HOW von Mind Map: HOW


2. Content Delivery

2.1. Owners

2.1.1. Structure Sites

2.1.2. Manage Subsites

2.1.3. Guide Editors

2.2. Editors

2.2.1. Change pages

2.2.2. Create new pages

2.2.3. Make project Sites

2.3. Other

2.3.1. Newsfeeds

2.3.2. Twitterfeeds

2.3.3. Youtube material

2.3.4. Google+ feeds

2.3.5. Google+ events

2.3.6. Linkedin feeds

2.3.7. Other social

3. Stakeholders

3.1. Global

3.2. America

3.3. Europe

3.4. Middle East & Africa

3.5. Asia

3.6. Asian Pacific & Australia

4. Service Delivery

4.1. 1st tier support (during local office hours)

4.2. 2nd tier and 3rd tier support with 24 hours response time

4.3. Support in English or Local language?

4.4. Stick to standard components

5. Collaboration Deployment

5.1. Big bang

5.2. Stakeholder after stakeholder

5.3. Roles Global vs WEBR