Copy of Input / Output

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Copy of Input / Output von Mind Map: Copy of Input / Output

1. Cynthia Beunig


3. Keyboard

3.1. Allows for input of ideas in the form of words

4. Mouse

4.1. Allows for selection of items on the monitor

5. The touch screen acts as a mouse and keyboard

6. Touch Screen

7. Allows for input of information such as documents and pictures.

8. Scanner


10. Monitor

10.1. Allows the user to see what commands are being given

10.1.1. Task

10.1.2. Prerequisites

11. Printer

11.1. Allows for output of information in the form of paper and pictures

12. Email

12.1. Allows for the quick sharing of documents, pictures, anything in digital form.

13. Networking

13.1. Is what allows computers to communicate with other and allows for printing to wireless routers, printers etc.