
High school design project mind map, for a library

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Library von Mind Map: Library

1. Technology

1.1. Useable charging spaces

1.2. No self checkouts

1.2.1. Staff want to interact with students

1.3. Not able to scan ID cards

1.3.1. don't want to be tapping cards either

1.4. Booking rooms can be annoying, as there arent definate rooms you will get and most poeple send in all the dates at the start of the year - more work for jane

2. Social

2.1. More intimate spaces

2.2. Quiet Spaces

2.3. Places for groups to sit in

2.4. Younger grades are nosier

2.5. Places to play games

3. Cultural

3.1. non offensive patterns

4. Aesthetic

4.1. Fits the colour pallet of the library

4.1.1. Birch wood

4.1.2. Dark charcole

4.2. Symbols instead of/as well as words - making it easier to find things

4.3. Logos?

4.4. Timeless colours and designs - renovations needed less

4.5. The stairs out the front are ugly

4.6. Accents relevant to the library

4.6.1. Harry Potter

4.6.2. Storage for seasonal Decorations

5. Sustainable

5.1. Mulituse componants

5.1.1. Storage under seats

5.2. Using minimal materials

5.3. Any electrical have batteries

6. Stay away from

6.1. Bean Bags

6.1.1. To messy

6.2. Self checkout

6.2.1. Want to keep that interaction with the students

7. Needs

7.1. Line of sight

7.2. Book Storage

7.3. Resource storage

7.4. People to move around the space

8. Wants

8.1. The library needs to be useble for the staff as well not just the students

8.1.1. Easily able to put things away

8.1.2. Easily able to find things

8.2. Staff want it to be the 3rd space for students to hang out

9. Ergonomic

9.1. Seats fit teenagers

9.2. Teacher seats fit the teachers

9.3. Bookshelves at a hight most people can reach

9.3.1. ladder instead?

9.3.2. Small step stool

9.4. Subject booked areas near related books

10. Product

10.1. Something to be able to swap out patterns for different seasons

11. Enviroment

11.1. Taking spaces and redoing the space to fit the users issues better

11.2. Redoing upstairs

11.2.1. Creating a space for Jane and seniors

12. Service

12.1. Online booking system that takes into account - Class size, Subject, Year level

12.2. Online Book borrowing

13. Spaces that work

13.1. Book storage throughout the library

13.2. Year 7 tubs for their books

14. General isssues

14.1. Space Issues

14.1.1. TLC Under-utilised not comfortable Students forget to borrow after being in the TLC Powerpoints aren't as necessary due to students meant to be having a charged laptop - Drawers would be better

14.1.2. L8 & L9 Windows don't seal Windows cause a glare on the tv screen

14.1.3. Behind the desk Returns bin Wrong hight to reach it easily The skinny room An awkward size so you can't use it for anything.

14.1.4. L5 & L6 Don't have screens for teachers to present

14.2. Not enough air flow throughout the building

14.3. The aircon brings in too much moistures which bad for books

14.4. The extrior windows dont have blinds

14.4.1. Making it too glary to see screen

14.4.2. Blinding - Kristys desk

14.5. Corridor echos

14.6. Door locking system

14.6.1. There isn't consistant keys

15. Stakeholders

15.1. Staff

15.1.1. Jane - Primary

15.1.2. Mrs Fair - Primary

15.1.3. Kristy - Primary

15.1.4. Emily - Primary

15.1.5. Other school staff - Secondary

15.2. Students - Primary

15.2.1. Sensory students

15.2.2. Masculine features

15.2.3. Feminin features

15.3. Hermonie - The dog

15.3.1. Primary

15.4. Parents

15.4.1. Secondary

15.5. Vistors

15.5.1. Tertiary