Life Skills I embed into the curriculum in order to EMPOWER my students and prepare them for life...

These are the life skills I picked to practice in my classroom. BE CURIOUS! Read the notes to further explain my idea or potential project.

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Life Skills I embed into the curriculum in order to EMPOWER my students and prepare them for life! DIRECTIONS: Click on Start Slide Show. When you see a (->), this is a hyperlink to a website or artifact, and when you see a [=], this is a note you should click on to see how I will use this idea in my classroom. ENJOY! von Mind Map: Life Skills I embed into the curriculum in order to EMPOWER my students and prepare them for life!   DIRECTIONS: Click on Start Slide Show. When you see a (->), this is a hyperlink to a website or artifact, and when you see a [=], this is a note you should click on to see how I will use this idea in my classroom. ENJOY!

1. Disciplined Behavior

1.1. "You are free to choose; but you are not free from the consequences of your choice"

1.2. MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHY: to provide options for self-checking behavior

1.2.1. "If you decide to (inappropriate behavior), then you may either (option #1) or (option #2). You get to decide"

1.2.2. The POWER TO CHOOSE reduces potential power struggles and increases their responsibility for their actions.

1.2.3. Never snap or condescend because this does not teach students WHY what they are doing is wrong. Apply a quick reprimand, explain why it's not appropriate, and move on seamlessly.

2. Public Speaking/ Selling your ideas

2.1. Each unit, one group will lead the 10-15 minute direct instruction

2.2. Selling "yourself" in interviews is an essential skill. Before choosing assessment projects, students must meet with me one-on-one to sell their idea to me with a brief outline.

2.3. I plan on randomly calling on students for participation when I know that they have their responses already written down. I want to provide them as many opportunities to practice selling their responses with confidence even if it may be incorrect.

3. Outside Preparation

3.1. Read, annotate, and take notes Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights. (No new content on Fridays)

3.2. No credit will be given for annotations or notes because this exercise serves as a prerequisite for the class activity of the day.

3.2.1. A warm-up quiz will assess for understanding of previous night's reading and notes & peer check in order to determine groups/activity for the day

3.3. In order to increase- student centered learning, they must be help accountable for completing their work before class because there isn't enough time in class to develop deep understanding

4. Maturity for inward/personal reflection

4.1. Weekly Reaction Blogs about current events or cerebral articles/videos

4.2. Quote/ Motivational Journal per Quarter

4.2.1. "We must be our own before we can be another's" --Emerson

4.3. Colleges use PLE's and peer-blogging/commenting for participation

5. Respecting Deadlines

5.1. No Credit for Late Work: In order to recover lost points, all work MUST be submitted (for no credit) in order to submit extra credit.

5.2. There are no extensions for college applications, taxes, court dates, return policies

6. Punctuality

6.1. : Showing up BEFORE the bell and being prepared for class

6.1.1. homework already turned in

6.1.2. all papers for the class picked up

6.1.3. checked absent folder

6.1.4. cellphone/mp3 away

6.1.5. something to write with out

6.2. After a two week trial period, individual lack in preparation for class will result in making up each minute wasted after school. Time is cumulative. Un-served time will result in an additional research response on the importance of punctuality and the consequences of it in the real world

6.3. BUSINESS PRINCIPLE-- If you're early, you're on time; if you're on time, you're late; if you're late, you're GONE!

7. Confidence in creative/artistic expression

7.1. See project examples in "Decision Making"

7.2. Builds depth of understanding

7.3. The more opportunities students have to create, the more they build confidence in their ability to create

7.4. Business Leaders and Managers require employees that can create, innovate, and design in order to help progress their company.

8. Decision-Making

8.1. Project Assessment Options

8.1.1. All projects will include a formal written explanation, analysis, and works cited to apply common core writing skills.

8.1.2. Examples Soundtrack Scores Directing a Short Filp Clip Venn-Diagram "What if ____ was never created?"

8.2. "I never teach my students; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn"-- Einstein