Computer System

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Computer System von Mind Map: Computer System

1. Challenges: Typically Set up for right hand students. it can be difficult for left handed students to use. however some changes can be made to change right handed to left handed orientation

2. Input Device Example:Mouse

2.1. Benefits: The mouse allows the students to enter data and commands into a computer with ease. It also assists with any written assignments, or presentation a student is required to create to display learning.

2.2. Application of Learning: All students use the mouse to control all aspects of the microcomputer software. This input device ultimately not only assists the learning process of a student but, mainly controls the use of technology operation period.

3. An input device includes any computer peripheral that you might use to enter data into the computer(Lever-Duffy & McDonald, 2011).

4. Output DeviceExample: Monitor

4.1. Challenges: When incorporating this device into the classroom, there are many challenges that can affect the value it plays in the classroom. If the software used , is not matched correctly to the resolution of the monitor, the programs output may not display.

4.2. Application to learning: In the classroom the students use the monitor as “gateway view to the world’s knowledge”. The monitor allows the students to assist the learning with information from a number of sources that are accompanied by visuals that connect the knowledge obtained with real world appliance.

5. Output devices are the pieces of hardware that move information (data that have been processed) out of the computerOutput devices are the pieces of hardware that move information (data that have been processed) out of the computer

6. Benefits: The monitor output device allows students to see the soft copy of the input data they have input into a computer system. When this device is incorporated into the classroom, students can edit and check assignments or presentations they have created through any software program before it is presented or printed out.