Sara Turpin's Sophomore Portfolio

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Sara Turpin's Sophomore Portfolio von Mind Map: Sara Turpin's Sophomore Portfolio

1. Everyone's a Critic

1.1. Artifact

1.2. Response

1.3. Standards

2. Who Are You? Who Am I?

2.1. Artifact

2.2. Response

2.3. Standards

3. Growth as a Writer

3.1. Artifact

3.2. Response

4. Growth as a Reader

4.1. Artifact

4.2. Response

5. Introduction Letter

6. Conclusion Letter

7. Deviance Does

7.1. Artifact

7.2. Response

7.3. Standards

8. New Tech Way of Life

8.1. Artifact

8.2. Response

8.3. Standards

9. Never Forget

9.1. Artifact

9.2. Response

9.3. Standards

10. Norms: What's Their Function?

10.1. Artifact

10.2. Response

10.3. Standards