The Human Reproductive Systems rrryaannnnn_5A

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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The Human Reproductive Systems rrryaannnnn_5A von Mind Map: The Human Reproductive  Systems rrryaannnnn_5A

1. Baby

1.1. Cell multiplies.

1.2. Sperm meets the egg and they fuses.

2. Ovaries

3. Development

3.1. The baby develops in the mother's womb for 9 months before it is born

4. Reproductive Organs

4.1. Male

4.1.1. Testes

4.1.2. Penis

4.1.3. sperm duct

4.2. Female

4.2.1. Womb

4.2.2. Vagina/uterus

4.2.3. fallopion tube

5. Functions of Reproductive Organs