A.J.'s Portfolio

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A.J.'s Portfolio von Mind Map: A.J.'s Portfolio

1. Introduction Essay

2. Personal Wix

3. English Standards

4. Freshman Portfolio

5. ELA Standard 1

5.1. SWLO's

5.2. Reflection

6. English Standard 2

6.1. SWLO's

6.2. Reflection

7. English Standard 3

7.1. SWLO's

7.2. Reflection

8. English Standard 4

8.1. SWLO's

8.2. Reflection

9. English Standard 5

9.1. SWLO's

9.2. Reflection

10. English Standard 6

10.1. SWLO's

10.2. Reflection

11. English Standard 7

11.1. SWLO's

11.2. Reflection

12. English Standard 8

12.1. SWLO's

12.2. Reflection

13. English Standard 9

13.1. SWLO's

13.2. Reflection

14. English Standard 10

14.1. SWLO's

14.2. Reflection

15. Conclusion Essay

16. Growth as a Reader and a Writer

17. Sociology Standards

18. Socio Standard 1

18.1. SWLO's

18.2. Reflection

19. Socio Standard 2

19.1. SWLO's

19.2. Reflection

20. Socio Standard 3

20.1. SWLO's

20.2. Reflection

21. Socio Standard 4

21.1. SWLO's

21.2. Reflection

22. Socio Standard 5

22.1. SWLO's

22.2. Reflection

23. Socio Standard 6

23.1. SWLO's

23.2. Reflection