Designing Your Life (1)

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Designing Your Life (1) von Mind Map: Designing Your Life (1)

1. Premise

1.1. Designers love problems

1.2. a well designed life is a life that is generative - constantly creative, productive, changing, evolving and there is always the possibility of surprise

1.3. Find answers to problems by reframing questions

1.4. Start with empathy of the people using their products and craft to meet their needs

1.5. Instead of asking what you want to BE when you grow up, ask yourself what you want to grow into, because there is no perfect plan or single solution.

1.6. 5 Mindsets

1.6.1. Curiosity

1.6.2. Awareness

1.6.3. bias to action

1.6.4. reframing

1.6.5. radical collaboration

1.7. Are you trying to solve the RIGHT problem. Are you asking the Wrong questions?

2. Start where you are

2.1. Problems

2.1.1. Gravity Can't be solved. So it's not a problem

2.2. Areas

2.2.1. Health

2.2.2. Work more than the money also the contribution and impact you make

2.2.3. Play

2.2.4. Love

2.3. Create a dashboard

3. Building a Compass

3.1. Keys

3.1.1. you dont have to have it all figured out, OR know where you're going, just need to know you're going in the right direction

3.1.2. Your view of work and life are your compass

3.1.3. You know you're close to destination when you find coherence in your philosophy

3.2. Goal is to create a life that connects who you are, what you believe and what you do

3.3. Activity

3.3.1. Work in 250 words, write you view of work what it means what defines good work how work fits into society what money, growh and experience and fulfillment have to do with it. look beyond the work you do and focus on the REASON you work

3.3.2. Life in 250 words, write you view of work why you're hre what you believe is meaningful and purposeful how you thiknk you fit into your family / community your ideas of good and evil, the role of a higher power

3.3.3. Where do these views complement each other?

4. Wayfinding

4.1. Keys

4.1.1. Paying attention to the aspects of your work that keep you engaged and energized

4.2. Flow

4.2.1. clarity, calmness, ecstasy. form of play

4.3. Energy

4.3.1. which activities sustain you vs drain you?

4.4. Good Time Journal activity

4.4.1. Record where you feel engaged and energized note trends, insights and surprises

4.4.2. 3 weeks

4.5. AIEOU method

4.5.1. Activities

4.5.2. Environment

4.5.3. Interactions

4.5.4. Objects

4.5.5. Users

5. Getting Unstuck

5.1. Keys

5.1.1. There is no single best ideas.

5.1.2. There are multiple lives you could live happily

5.1.3. Designers choose a better basket of several ideas... never their first idea

5.2. Don't force your first ideas to work

5.2.1. Designers know the 1st ideas is always bad.

5.3. You can't know what you want until you know what you might want, so you have to generate a lot of ideas and possibilities

5.4. Mindmapping

5.4.1. Use word association

5.4.2. pick a topic of interest, (from good time journal) that kept you engaged and energized

5.4.3. Now write 5-6 things related to the activity

5.4.4. Now three related to each of these.

5.4.5. Time Limit 3 - 5 minutes

5.4.6. Pick a few things from your OUTER circle and combine them to create a few concepts

5.5. Anchor Problems

5.5.1. stubborn issues that actually have solutions

5.5.2. Try reframing the solution to include other possibilities and alternatives

6. Odyssey Lives

6.1. Plan3 multiple versions of your life

6.2. lesson the risk of prematurely committing

6.3. Should be fundamentally different from each other

6.4. Life A:

6.4.1. You have it in mind or living it currently

6.5. Life B:

6.5.1. What you would do if what you do in Life A is over.

6.6. Life C:

6.6.1. What you would do if money or image were not a concern.

6.7. Write things you'd want to test or explore in each of the three alternative lives. Include a visual timeline and a list of personal events.

6.8. Ask

6.8.1. What will life look like if you implement it

6.8.2. what resources will you need

6.8.3. how much you like the plan

6.8.4. how confident you are about pulling it off

6.8.5. how well it is aligned to your workview and lifeview

6.9. These alternative lives are not answer to the life you seek, they are possiblities that you explore and prototype to find what you must do next

7. Prototyping

7.1. Keys

7.1.1. Prototypes help you fail fast and forward

7.1.2. Guard against inclination to overinvest in bad ideas

7.1.3. Brainstorming helps generate the ideas you need

7.1.4. About asking good questions, weeding out unconscious biases and creating the momentum you need to set on a course that is appealing.

7.1.5. Give you a feel of what each life might feel like.

7.2. Conversation

7.2.1. Easy way

7.2.2. How did the person get where he is?

7.2.3. what is his day to day life like?

7.2.4. what does he love and and hate about what he does?

7.3. Brainstorming Prototype experiences

7.3.1. start with: "How many ways can we think to...."

7.3.2. 3-6 people

7.3.3. Group into categories most exciting ideas that won't work ideas you wish you could pursue ideas likely to lead to the life you envision cast silent votes

8. Choosing Happiness

8.1. Process that involves making the most ideal choices and living them well

8.2. letting go of alternatives that don't serve you

8.3. Too many options overwhem you.

8.4. Wehn in doubt, DO something.

8.5. 4 Steps

8.5.1. Gather and create as many options as possible

8.5.2. pick top alternatives from among the options

8.5.3. Choose the best alternative

8.5.4. Let go of other alternatives

8.6. Finding it difficult?

8.6.1. Not as much about the quality of your research as your relationship with the options you have.

9. Designing Dream Job

9.1. Focus on the needs of the hiring manager, not your own and present yourself as the ideal fit for the job in question

9.2. You don't find a dream job, you design it

10. Failure Immunity

10.1. keys

10.1.1. fail at the small learning experiences and make real progress in areas that really matter.

10.1.2. Types of Failure Screw Ups simple mistake, nothing to learn, move on Weaknesses familiar failings you can improve or accept Growth Opportunities unexpected failings whose cause is known and solution is workable

11. Building a Team

11.1. Radical Collaboration

11.2. Supporters

11.2.1. Encourage you on your journey

11.3. Players

11.3.1. engage with you in your projects

11.4. Intimates

11.4.1. Most effected by your choices

12. Ultimate Goal

12.1. not to live a perfect life, but an evenly balanced one.

12.2. Live with meaning and purpose

12.3. Matter to those close to him

12.4. leave a mark

12.5. have fun

12.6. It does NOT

12.6.1. change you into a different person

12.6.2. it brings out the best in you and makes you more like you.

12.7. To work, you must

12.7.1. nurture curiosity

12.7.2. try things out

12.7.3. reframe your problems

12.7.4. understand it's a process so you don't give up

12.7.5. ask for help from others

12.7.6. And articulate your Workview and Lifeview so you're ready to answer when you ask yourself how your life is going.

13. Summary of Activities

13.1. health/work/life dashboard

13.1.1. zero to full

13.1.2. a few sentences about how it's going

13.1.3. Ask yourself "Is there a design problem I would like to tackle?" If Yes, is it a Gravity problem?

13.2. Workview & Lifeview

13.2.1. 250 words

13.2.2. where complement?

13.2.3. where clash?

13.2.4. does one drive the other?

13.3. Good Time Journal

13.3.1. Log Activities for 3 weeks minimum

13.3.2. When engaged and enegergized

13.3.3. End of week jot down reflections Any surprises? zoom in Use AEIOU method

13.4. Mindmapping

13.4.1. Review Good Time Journal for areas in flow, engaged or energized

13.4.2. Create 3 mindmaps for each area above

13.4.3. Look for something that brought you into flow

13.4.4. Word association

13.4.5. Look at outter rings Pick 3 things and create a job description Create a role for each description

13.5. Odyssey Plans

13.5.1. Create 3 alternative 5-year plans

13.5.2. Give each a 6 word title

13.5.3. 3 Questions that arise from each

13.5.4. Dashboard Guages Resources Likability Confidence Coherence

13.5.5. Present plan to a colloborator

13.6. Prototyping

13.6.1. Note the questions from the Odyssey plans

13.6.2. List any prototype conversations that would help me answer these questions

13.6.3. Seek out conversations and experiences to explore.

13.6.4. Brainstorming 1. Frame a Good question how many ways can we think of to.... Dont include the solution in your question 2. Warm up Use playdoh 3. Braintstorming Rules Quantity > Quality Defer judgement, no censoring Build off ideas of others Encourage Wild Ideas Naming and Framing the Outcomes Group similar ideas into categories Frame results with reference to orig question Every category gets description and funny name Vote

13.7. Reframing Failure

13.7.1. Log failures over the past week OR month OR year.

13.7.2. Label as screwups, weaknesses or growth opportunities

13.7.3. Identify your growth insights

13.7.4. Build a habit of converting failures to growth opportunities by doing this once per month.

13.8. Team Building

13.8.1. List 3-5 people

13.8.2. Make sure all have copy of book or framework

13.8.3. Meet regularly

14. resources