Steve Jobs

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Steve Jobs von Mind Map: Steve Jobs

1. Childhood

1.1. Born in San Francisco

1.2. February 24, 1955

1.3. Adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs

1.4. Worked on electronics with father in garage

2. Important Dates

2.1. 1976 - Apple Computer founded

2.1.1. 1985 - resigned from Apple

2.1.2. 1997 - returned to Apple

2.2. 2003 - diagnosed with pancreatic cancer

2.2.1. Task

2.2.2. Prerequisites

2.3. 2004 - successful surgery to remove pancreatic tumor

2.4. October 5, 2011 - passed away

3. Apple Computer

3.1. Started in 1976 with Steve Wozniak

3.2. Resigned in 1985

3.3. Returned in 1997 after Apple purchased company

4. Education

4.1. Dropped out of Reed College after six months

4.2. Traveled to India on spiritual quest

4.3. On-the-job training at Atari