Nelson's 10 Heuristics(How to make a payment, Contact & Locate)

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Nelson's 10 Heuristics(How to make a payment, Contact & Locate) von Mind Map: Nelson's 10 Heuristics(How to make a payment, Contact & Locate)

1. User Control and Freedom

1.1. The User has full control on the options

2. Recognition Rather than Recall

2.1. It is not easy to recongnise at first.

2.2. There are too many details in one page the user might miss out on the option.

3. Flexibility & Efficiency of Use

3.1. The website tells on how to make a payment but the user cant make a payment on the website itself.

3.2. The website gives detailed information on how to contact them e.g.:(email, phone number and fax.

3.3. The website gives clear information on the company's location

4. Aesthetic & Minimalist Design

4.1. All the information is stated in one pop up

5. Help & Documentation

5.1. The locations of the inets machine is stated

5.2. The website links to google map for more assistance on the location of the company

5.3. Contact number is given and the working hours is stated.

6. Error Prevention

6.1. Everything is stated clearly and it is not possible to make an error.

7. Visibility of system Status

7.1. When the links are clicked for the payment, contact and Locate. An image immediately pop up and shows on how to perform the task.

8. Match between system & real world

8.1. The link states the words " How to make a payment.

8.2. The link did not use a proper image to show that it represents on how to make a payment.

9. Consistency & Standard

9.1. All the "How to" is stated at the bottom

9.2. The below options has all have questions marks

9.3. The contact number and the contact option is located on the top right.

9.4. Only the payment option has a pop up, while the rest is still not up.

9.5. The how to make a payment option does not leave the screen unless you do it manually

10. Help Users Recognise, Diagnose, & Recover from Errors

10.1. No error can be made as it just tells as it is just reading the information

10.2. Step by Step on how to pay is stated clearly