Lesson Planning

Plan your lessons and the goals of your lessons as well as including important content

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Lesson Planning von Mind Map: Lesson Planning

1. Notes

2. Resources

2.1. Materials - White glue, picture frames, pictures of students, nature walk collections (pinecones, leaves, etc.) Prepared tree with attachable labels with the 4 parts trunk, roots, branch, and leaves.

2.2. People- My preschoolers

2.3. Facilities- Minot State Preschool

3. Objectives

3.1. Upon completion of instruction, the students will understand basic steps and parts of a plant lifecycle.

3.2. The students will understand the basic steps and parts of a tree lifecycle.

3.2.1. Task

3.2.2. Prerequisites

3.3. The students will understand the basic parts of a plant.

3.3.1. Task

3.3.2. Prerequisites

4. Prerequisites

4.1. I will assess my students with observation.

4.2. I will assess my students using a craft to place the proper parts of the plant/tree lifecycle.