Why Europeans Reaction to Columbus' Voyages changed

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Why Europeans Reaction to Columbus' Voyages changed von Mind Map: Why Europeans Reaction to Columbus' Voyages changed

1. Arms Race

1.1. Bigger Cannons

1.1.1. Bigger Ships

1.1.2. More Seaworthy

2. Changes in Social Technology

2.1. Bureaucracy

2.1.1. Better to organize large scale expeditions

2.2. Double Entry Book Keeping

2.2.1. Keep track of men and materials

2.2.2. Keep track of cost

2.3. Printing Press

2.3.1. Spread ideas of Exploration

3. Ideology

3.1. Renaissance Ideals

3.1.1. Wealth Important

3.1.2. Power Important

3.2. Dominate Other Peoples

4. Christianity

4.1. Rationalizes Conquests

5. Europe's Recent Success in Dominating other Peoples

5.1. Sardinia

5.2. Malta

5.3. Canary Islands