MY HOME (and its problems)

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MY HOME (and its problems) von Mind Map: MY HOME (and its problems)

1. CLOTHES HUNG OUTSIDE GET WET due to the water poured down by neighbors.

1.1. Talk things out with the neighbor and try to negotiate with him and be on friendly terms so that we can get him to cooperate.

1.1.1. Goal 1

1.1.2. Goal 2

1.2. Complain to the management about the problem and ask them to do something about it. (Being unreasonable to the other party by not understanding on our part)

1.2.1. Session Rule 1

1.2.2. Session Rule 2

1.3. Hang the clothes indoors instead although it will take a longer time to dry (Take the initiative to give way to neighbors.Just be more understanding on our own part.)

1.4. Tackle the problem head on by confronting them and most likely getting into an argument; most likely (Does not actually solve the problem)


2.1. Get a specialist to come and patch up or seal up the cracks in the walls and ceilings

2.2. Cover the cracks with a wallpaper (not a long-term solution)

3. OFTEN DIRTY and DUSTY ( due to surrounding areas)

3.1. Close or seal up the house ( all windows and doors are closed during the day for as long as possible)

3.2. Clean up the house more often (sweeping and mopping)

3.3. Now that there is so much construction going on all around Singapore, there is hardly any other alternative to keep the house dirt and dust-free.

4. MESSY HOUSE (too many things)

4.1. More organization, often clear up unnecessary things in the house

4.2. Do not buy back anything that is not needed in the house and just for decoration purposes.

4.3. Buy a bigger house (not suggested)

5. MANY PESTS AROUND DUSTBINS (troublesome to go and throw it somewhere else)

5.1. Seal up the bins and just take the trouble to walk a further distance to dump the rubbish

5.2. Get pest controllers to come and deal with the pests (They will come back after some time, so have to often call in the pest controllers.)