Agile Practices

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Agile Practices von Mind Map: Agile Practices

1. Individual

1.1. Test Driven Development

1.1.1. Code Coverage Metrics

1.1.2. Automation

1.1.3. Small Test

1.1.4. mocking

1.1.5. red, green, refactor

1.1.6. Test First

1.1.7. Self Testing Code

1.2. Simple Design

1.2.1. YAGNI

1.2.2. Do the simplest thing that could possibly work

1.2.3. single responsibility

1.2.4. evolutionary architecture

1.2.5. MVP

1.3. Refactoring

1.3.1. Evolutionary Database Design

1.3.2. Refactoring vs. Redesign

1.3.3. red, green, refactor

1.3.4. readability

1.3.5. IDE shortcuts

1.3.6. takes away the pain

1.3.7. common refactorings method/variable renaming extraction breaking up methods

1.4. Clean Code

1.4.1. Cyclomatic Complexity

1.4.2. Sonar Violations

1.4.3. Boy Scout Rule

1.4.4. Meaningful Name

1.4.5. DRY

1.4.6. no need for comments

1.4.7. minimalistic interfaces

1.4.8. self explanatory

1.4.9. readability

1.4.10. organization of project

1.4.11. consistency

1.4.12. no surprises

2. Orgazational

2.1. Continuous Integration

2.1.1. Build Radiator

2.1.2. Trunk Based Development

2.1.3. frequent commits

2.1.4. small commits

2.1.5. build pipelines

2.1.6. Keep the build Green

2.2. Automated Testing

2.2.1. test pyramid

2.3. Automated Build / Deploy

2.3.1. Infrastructure as Code

2.4. Continuous Delivery

2.4.1. interaction with devops/other roles

3. Team

3.1. Pair Programming

3.1.1. pair switcing

3.1.2. engagement

3.1.3. interaction

3.1.4. collaboration

3.1.5. shared ownership

3.1.6. knowledge sharing

3.1.7. ramping up new members

3.2. Sustainable Pace

3.2.1. snacks!

3.2.2. stretch goals

3.2.3. shared team commitment

3.2.4. Velocity Metrics

3.2.5. Iterations

3.3. Retrospectives

3.3.1. "prime objective"

3.3.2. up votes

3.4. Communication

3.4.1. continuous feedback

3.4.2. shared understanding

3.4.3. standups

3.4.4. co-located

3.4.5. osmotic communication

3.5. Visible Work

3.5.1. story tracking/story wall

3.5.2. radiator

3.5.3. showcases/demos

3.5.4. spikes

3.5.5. Iteration Planning Meetings (IPM)

3.6. product owner engagement

3.6.1. product vision