2025- What the world might look like

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2025- What the world might look like von Mind Map: 2025- What the world might look like

1. Cultural

1.1. Australia will continue to grow as a multicultural nation. Due to a globalised world that is connected through so many different medias, the cultural gap between various cultures will decrease, making for a more cooperative and accepting society. Unfortunately there will still be aspects of racism, racial tension and intolerance evident in society.

2. Technological

2.1. Technology will continue to rapidly develop and progress. The world in which we live will become dominated by technology and we will become increasingly dependent on it in our everyday lives. Education and businesses will utilise new technologies to improve productivity and increase efficiency.

3. Economic

3.1. The economy in the year 2025 will be stable. However, between now and then the Australian economy will fluctuate, both strengthening and weakening at certain points. Professions that are essential within a growing nation, such as nurses and teachers will become increasingly important and therefore better paid.

4. Nature

4.1. People will become increasingly aware of environmental issues and problems. Although it might be too late for certain endangered species, there will now be a stronger focus on environmental issues, conservation and minimising pollution. Unfortunately it will take noticeable negative effects on the environment for people to realise that changes need to be made.

5. Social

5.1. Socialising will follow the trend of social media. There will be ever increasing ways to connect with friends, and people around the world through new social medias. A majority of people will utilise social media to keep in touch with others. However, socialising will not solely be dominated through technology. Although I believe the social media trend will continue and develop, the preferred method of socialising will remain as face to face, more meaningful interactions.

6. Political

6.1. Politics in Australia will remain mostly the same. Two major parties will remain, however some independent and smaller parties will have growing popularity and influence within the Australian government. Australia will become, or will be working towards becoming an independent nation.