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Intelligence von Mind Map: Intelligence

1. Growing up with Lucy

1.1. Senses

1.2. Body

1.2.1. Motion

1.3. Mind

1.4. Soul

2. A Mind of Its Own

2.1. Data In...

2.2. I'm wonderful

2.3. Mood matters

2.4. You're inferior

2.5. Poor data => poor conclusions

2.6. I'm right - damn it

3. On Intelligence: We are a pattern matching device

3.1. Pattern Details

3.2. Pattern

3.3. Store Invariant

3.4. Partial Pattern -> Predict

3.5. Compare

4. Further Thoughts

4.1. flash ram

4.2. memory

4.3. deja vu

4.4. dreams

4.5. another idea