ARAP13 Home (T1)

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ARAP13 Home (T1) von Mind Map: ARAP13 Home (T1)

1. Map w/locations and new/old hires (p6 & 8) (T4)

2. Qualcomm Defined (p10) (T5)

3. Culture within (gallery landing page) (T7)

3.1. 6 word stories (slideshow w/words instead of photos)

3.2. favorite innovation (slideshow: text and can include photo)

3.3. favorite personal moment (slideshow: text and can include photo)

3.4. You're a Qcer when you..(slideshow: mostly text and can include photo)

3.5. team photos (gallery landing page

3.5.1. team photos 1 - (slideshow: photos w/small captions

3.5.2. team photos 2 - (slideshow: photos w/small captions

3.5.3. team photos 3 - (slideshow: photos w/small captions

3.5.4. team photos 4 - (slideshow: photos w/small captions

3.5.5. team photos 5 - (slideshow: photos w/small captions

3.5.6. team photos 6 - (slideshow: photos w/small captions

4. Photo contest (gallery landing page) (T8)

4.1. Photo contest - topic 1

4.2. Photo contest - topic 2

5. Growth Driver 1 (p14) (T6)

6. Growth driver 2 (p24) (T6)

7. Growth driver 3 (p30) (T6)