Frame work and theories related to teaching and learning

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Frame work and theories related to teaching and learning von Mind Map: Frame work and theories related to teaching and learning


1.1. This model defines how use of technology could impact teaching and learning.

1.2. It also shows how technology can improve learning by using different technological tools in our instruction.

1.3. It has of four levels. Each level shows a particular usage of technology which teachers could use in their teaching but Modification and Redefinition seem to transform students' learning more as it is formed by the usage of technology in a more logical and higher level.

1.3.1. Transformation Redefinition Students are asked to make a video on a particular topic and interview people of different ages and ask their thoughts on the particular topic and students have to do the research as how the topic is related and viewed byt the people of certain age groups. Modification Ask students to post their views on the discussion posts so that every other students can have an access to their point of view and they could give them feedback and also the teacher.

1.3.2. Enhancement Augmentation Some functional change. For example: Students need to attend an online quiz on the article they read before Substitution No Functional change in learning and teaching. For example: Students just read an article on the website.

2. Philosophy of teachnology

2.1. It is a philosophy of teaching by integrating technology use.

2.2. A teacher's point of view on technology and if the use of technology is beneficial for the teachers and students.

2.3. Technology as an important and useful tool when use appropriately in the modes of instruction. However, as a teacher, we have to make sure that every student in our class should have an access to the program which we want to use in our classroom. We have to make sure if the particular technological tool is in a reach of every student

2.4. Technology as an easy tool which allow students to communicate with their teachers in a less time consuming way. For example: emails, online sharing of documents etc.

3. 21st Century Students and Learning

3.1. Students make use of technology for their school work, creativity and they should be able to operate technology as they are 21st century learners

3.2. Link to the web image

3.3. another link for 21st century learner from the AB education website.


4.1. TPACK is composed of three kinds of knowledge

4.1.1. Technological Knowledge: Knowledge about technology (e.g. use of technology in modes of instruction related to the subject.

4.1.2. Content Knowledge: Knowledge about the subject matter.

4.1.3. Pedagogical Knowledge: It includes students' learning and evaluation strategies. It also includes management skills and plans. The process of teaching and learning.

4.1.4. A web image of TPACK

4.1.5. A teacher should know how to make an appropriate use of technology integrated to the teaching skills for their main subject content. For e.g., As a Social Studies teacher, If I would like to use mind meister website (technology) to create different concepts about a particular topic (capitalism). I should be able to keep that in mind if the use of this site is appropriate and how much students will be able to learn from the concept map. Is this strategy effective and a better way for students to learn.