Technology Frameworks

Plan your lessons and the goals of your lessons as well as including important content

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Technology Frameworks von Mind Map: Technology Frameworks


1.1. Combines three areas of knowledge that work in harmony to support teaching.

1.1.1. Content Knowledge Knowledge discipline; specific field of expertise.

1.1.2. Pedagogical Knowledge How to convey knowledge.

1.1.3. Technological Knowledge Knowledge of software/programs and how to use technology.

1.2. All of these three areas combine with each other to form deeper understanding in each field.

1.2.1. PCK: Pedagogical Content Knowledge How to teach the subject.

1.2.2. TCK: Technological Content Knowledge How to use technology to enhance the content.

1.2.3. TPK: Technological Content Knowledge How technology enhances how the knowledge is transferred.

1.3. Balance between all three areas

1.4. Choosing the appropriate resources and the right technology to enhance knowledge and understanding in subject areas.


2.1. How to use technology to enhance the leaning tools in the classroom; redefining assignments and activities.

2.2. Based on four levels of using technology.

2.2.1. Substitution No functional change; direct replacement of a tool or resource.

2.2.2. Augmentation Direct tool replacement, but with some enhancements.

2.2.3. Modification Tool allows for significant change in tasks and allows for collaboration.

2.2.4. Redefinition Allows for complete restructure of tasks with the high degree of collaboration and creation of new tasks previously unthinkable without the resources provided.

3. 21st Century Learning

3.1. Principles based on what a learner in the 21st century should have applied to all areas of content knowledge to become active, independent, ethical digital citizens.

3.2. Foundational Knowledge

3.2.1. Core Content Knowledge

3.2.2. Digital Literacy

3.2.3. Cross-Disciplinary Knowledge

3.3. Metaknowledge

3.3.1. Problem Solving and Critical Thinking

3.3.2. Communication and Collaboration

3.3.3. Creativity

3.4. Humanistic Knowledge

3.4.1. Life Skills

3.4.2. Cultural Competence

3.4.3. Ethical and Emotional Awareness

4. Philosophy of Teachnology

4.1. The philosophy of how technology shapes how one teaches content.