What Tanu will do with life

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What Tanu will do with life von Mind Map: What Tanu will do with life

1. Needs

1.1. Money

1.2. Life

1.2.1. Reasonable Hours

1.2.2. Interesting Work

2. Why Tanu wants to be a doctor

2.1. To be a smart person

2.2. To help humans live

2.2.1. Charitable organizations, Consulting, Finance, etc. are far more impactful

2.3. To Do Cool Research

3. Tanu's Values

3.1. Smart

3.1.1. Someone who knows a lot of things about a lot of things More than they need to

3.2. Happy Family

3.3. Be Useful

4. What Tanu is willing to get good at

4.1. Anything

4.1.1. Not Sports

4.1.2. Not Fixing things

5. Interests

5.1. Science

5.1.1. Medicine High Risk Accepted Rejected

5.2. Business

5.2.1. Cut-throat People

5.2.2. Extremely competitive


7. Waterloo

7.1. Stay in Biotech/CA

7.1.1. Chance at Med School

7.1.2. Coop --> Accounting Move onto Consulting/Other Fields after a few years Know all about taxes and thus evade them

8. U of T

8.1. Neuroscience Coop thing