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Health von Mind Map: Health

1. Pathogens and Disease

1.1. HLTH_001 - Infectious disease

1.1.1. HLTH_001p1 - in-depth example of infectious disease

1.2. HLTH_002 - Non-Infectious disease

1.2.1. HLTH_002p1 - in-depth example of non-infectious disease

1.3. HLTH_003 - How bacteria causes illness

1.3.1. HLTH_003p1 - salmonella

1.4. HLTH_004 - How viruses cause illness

1.4.1. HLTH_004p1 - The common cold

1.5. HLTH_005 - How pathogens get into the body

1.6. HLTH_006 - How pathogens are spread

1.6.1. HLTH_006p1 - Animal vectors (malaria and dysentary)

1.6.2. HLTH_006p2 - Coughing and sneezing

1.7. HLTH_007 - How our bodies defend against micro-organisms

1.8. HLTH_008 - Preventing the spread of disease

2. Fighting Disease

2.1. HLTH_009 - The immune system

2.1.1. HLTH_009p1 - In depth: white blood cells

2.1.2. HLTH_009.1 - The lymphatic system

2.2. HLTH_010 - What are vaccines?

2.2.1. HLTH_010p1 - Eliminating polio

2.3. HLTH_011 - Active and passive immunity

2.4. HLTH_012 - Risks of vaccination

2.4.1. HLTH_012p1 - MMR vaccine scare

2.5. HLTH_013 - Antibiotics

2.5.1. HLTH_013p1 - Fleming's discovery of Penicillin

2.6. HLTH_014 - Antiseptics

2.7. HLTH_015 - Testing antibiotics and antiseptics

3. Diet

3.1. HLTH_016 - A balanced diet

3.2. HLTH_017 - Food types

3.3. HLTH_018 - Protein in the diet

3.4. HLTH_026 - Exercise and fitness

3.5. HLTH_019 - Storing food

3.6. HLTH_020 - Obesity and BMI

3.7. HLTH_021 - Nutritional deficiencies and anorexia

4. Health

4.1. HLTH_022 - Blood pressure

4.2. HLTH_023 - Heart Disease

4.3. HLTH_024 - Coronary thrombosis

4.4. HLTH_025 - Heart irregularities

4.5. HLTH_027 - High blood pressure

4.6. HLTH_028 - Lung problems

4.7. HLTH_029 - Kidney disease and dialysis

4.8. HLTH_030 - Organ transplants

4.9. HLTH_031 - Ethics of organ transplants

4.10. HLTH_032 - Blood transfusions

4.11. HLTH_033 - Sperm and egg donations

4.12. HLTH_034 - Fractures and sprains

5. Drugs & Medicines

5.1. HLTH_035 - What is a drug?

5.2. HLTH_036 - How drugs affect the synapses

5.3. HLTH_037 - Types of drug addiction

5.4. HLTH_038 - Stimulants

5.5. HLTH_039 - Painkillers

5.6. HLTH_040 - Solvents

5.7. HLTH_041 - Alcohol

5.8. HLTH_042 - Effect of alcohol on reaction time

5.9. HLTH_043 - About smoking tobacco

5.10. HLTH_044 - Dangers of smoking

5.11. HLTH_045 - Testing new drug treatments

5.12. HLTH_046 - Double blind testing

5.13. HLTH_047 - Controversial drugs

6. Mental Health

7. Sex Education