My Junior Portfolio

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My Junior Portfolio von Mind Map: My Junior Portfolio

1. New World

1.1. Summary of the Project

1.2. Standards

1.3. What I learned

1.4. Next Steps

2. User Guide

2.1. Summary of the Project

2.2. Standards

2.3. What I learned

2.4. Next Steps

3. Bucket List

3.1. Summary of the Project

3.2. Standards

3.3. What I learned

3.4. Next Steps

4. Olympic Press

4.1. Summary of the project

4.2. Standards

4.3. What I learned

4.4. Next Steps

5. Code Name

5.1. Summary of the project

5.2. Standards

5.3. What I learned

5.4. Next Steps

6. Introduction

7. The Rise of Industry

7.1. Standards

7.2. Standards

7.3. What I learned

7.4. Next Steps

8. #1 Student Led Coference

8.1. Summary of the Project

8.2. Standards

8.3. What I learned

8.4. Next Steps

9. Personal Web

10. Potus: The Life and The Legacy

10.1. Summary of the project

10.2. Standards

10.3. What I learned

10.4. Next Steps

11. #2 - Student Led Conference

11.1. Summary of the Project

11.2. Standards

11.3. What I learned

11.4. Next Steps

12. Conclusion