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Cinderella von Mind Map: Cinderella

1. When Cinderella was a child her mother died, then her father got a new wife. The stepmother had two daughters and they were mean against Cinderella. they took all Cinderella`s beautiful dresses and gave her a old smock. She worked every day from early morning to late evening. She slept in the ashes and her cloth was dirty. One day the father went to the fair, and he asked the sisters what he should bring back to them. The stepsisters wanted pearls, dresses and jewels. But Cinderella said: “the first twig that brushes against your hat, shall you bring home to me”. When the father came home he gave Cinderella a twig. Cinderella ran out to her mother`s grave and planted the twig. when she wept, her tears fell down onto the twig and it grow, and soon became a beautiful hazel. Cinderella went to the grave three times every day and she sat with the hazel and prayed.Then there came a white bird to the tree and whenever she expressed a wish the bird brought it down to her.One day the stepsisters went to a festival at the castle, Cinderella asked her stepmother if she could go to. The stepmother said that if Cinderella could pickup a bowl of lentils from the ash within two hours she could come to the festival with them. Then Cinderella said to the white bird that it should call all the pigeons to help her with the lentils. After one hour were all the lentils in the bowl. But the stepmother said that Cinderella could not come with them anyway. Cinderella ran out to her mothers grave and said to the bird shake and quiver, little tree, throw gold and silver down to me. And down came a silver and a golden dress, and silver slippers, then she ran down to the festival. Her stepsisters and her stepmother did not recognize her. They though that she was a foreign princess. The prince took Cinderella`s hand and they dance the hole night. When the prince asked Cinderella were she lived, she ran away from the prince. The next two days Cinderella ran out to her mothers grave and wish beautiful dresses. The bird brought more magnificent dresses down to her. The next two nights she danced with the prince and when he asked her were she lived, she ran away from him again. But the third day cinderella`s one slipper fell of, and the prince found it. Some days later, the prince travelled around in the country to find the girl who fit the slipper. The two stepsister was very happy when they heard that the prince would come to their home. The first stepsister could not put her big foot into the slipper so the stepmother gave her a knife and she cut of her hale. The prince was very happy and took the stepsister on his horse and when they rode past the grave the bird singed rook di goo, rook di goo. There's blood in the shoe. The shoe is too tight. This bride is not right. Then the prince rode back to the house and the second stepsister`s foot was also to big so the stepmother gave her a knife and she cut of her big toe. The prince took the stepsister on his horse and when they rode past the grave the bird singed Rook di goo, rook di goo. There`s blood in the shoe. The shoe is too tight. The bride is not the right. Then the prince rode back to the house with the stepsister. Cinderella tried the shoe and it fit perfect and then the prince saw the beautiful eyes from the festival. When the prince and Cinderella past her mothers grave the bird singed Rook di goo, rook di goo. No blood's in the shoe. The shoe's not too tight. This bride is right. Cinderella and the prince got married and lived happy ever after.

2. Summary

3. Rewiew

3.1. I think that it is a good story, because it shows that if you really believe in good things the will eventually happen.

4. Cinderella`s dream

4.1. I think Cinderella wants to get away from the house where the stepfamily live. Then she does not have to be a servant anymore.