Post Secondary Option

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Post Secondary Option von Mind Map: Post Secondary Option

1. Public

1.1. supported by tuition, endowment, and donations

1.2. more expensive than public colleges

1.3. offer the best financial aid

1.4. founded by state governments

1.5. big, and some are huge

2. Public

2.1. supported by state funds

2.2. lower tuition

2.3. smaller

3. university

3.1. Larger than collages

4. Degrees

4.1. Undergraduate Degrees

4.1.1. Associate Degree- Two-year degree

4.1.2. Bachelor’s Degree- Four or Five year program

4.2. Graduate Degrees

4.2.1. Master’s Degree- two year

4.2.2. Doctorate Degree- three or four year

5. community college

5.1. Public two year collage

6. junior college

6.1. Private two year collage