Stop Brain Drain Problems

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Stop Brain Drain Problems von Mind Map: Stop Brain Drain Problems

1. Maximize local ability to run essential functions (efficacy)

1.1. Grow local talent

1.1.1. Number of laborers trained (especially students who would not have been educated)

1.2. Keep/access local talent

1.2.1. Number of skilled laborers staying locally

1.3. Gain/access non-local talent

1.3.1. Ability to access specialized knowledge in each field (doctors, engineers, technicians, educators)

2. Minimize costs/investments

2.1. Minimize organizational effort to run

2.1.1. Measure in manhours

2.2. Minimize monetary investment

2.2.1. Focus on self-sustaining processes

2.2.2. Measure in money spent vs. returned

3. Protect the rights of the individual (safety)

3.1. Increase access to education

3.1.1. Numbers of students (especially students who would not have been educated)

3.2. Avoid limiting personal choices

3.2.1. Measured by participant satisfaction

3.3. Maintain individual's self-efficacy at all times

3.3.1. Can students follow their dreams without limiting themselves too severely?

4. Protect the local economy

4.1. Use local resources

4.1.1. Measured in decreased costs/investments

4.2. Don't use up local resources

4.2.1. Use life cycle analysis to verify sustainability

4.3. Integrate local opportunities

4.3.1. Measured by acceptance and local approval

5. Maximize adabtability

5.1. Apply to different scales

5.1.1. Does it apply to: individuals?

5.1.2. Families?

5.1.3. Communities?

5.1.4. Regions?

5.1.5. Countries?

5.1.6. Continents?

5.2. Apply to different cultures/mindsets/economic models

5.2.1. Does it apply: in communities that prioritize independence?

5.2.2. I n communities that prioritize interdependence?

5.2.3. In communities with a religious focus?

5.2.4. Alongside various family structures?

5.2.5. In low-resource environments?

5.3. Apply to different fields of skilled labor

5.3.1. Medicine?

5.3.2. Public service?

5.3.3. Manufacturing/industry?

5.3.4. Banking?

5.3.5. Business management?

5.3.6. Technical skills?