Muscular Strength

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Muscular Strength von Mind Map: Muscular Strength

1. Back

1.1. Lats

1.1.1. Lat Pull Down

1.2. Taps

1.2.1. Dumbbell Shrugs

2. Arms

2.1. Biceps

2.1.1. Curls

2.2. Triceps

2.2.1. Skull Crushers

2.3. Shoulder Gurdle

2.3.1. Internal/External Band Rotation

3. Legs

3.1. Hamstrings

3.1.1. Stability Ball Leg Curl

3.2. Quads

3.2.1. Leg Extention

3.3. Calves

3.3.1. Calf Raises

4. Core

4.1. Abs

4.1.1. Sit-ups