The French Revalution

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The French Revalution von Mind Map: The French Revalution

1. I think that the most important and nationalistic event that happened was when neopleon went into power and expanded his empire and took almost all of Europe and very smart by places his brothers in other countries and taking his name as there last name to prove there loyalty that was very important to history because he was the one man that pretty much owned a whole Continent. Joshua Orange

2. France and Austria went to war by when many nobles fled France to go to Austria and live under there government empire they liked it better so France attacked them.

3. 1805-1814- Napoleon expanded and led to concerns and wars with surrounding countries had economic disputes with britian

4. 1804- napoleon was declared emperor of France he took France by expanding french influence through out the country

5. 1804-1814 napoleon expanded his empire and took over almost all of Europe by placing his brothers under him and to take over other countries

6. Napoleon was married to Josephine and had poor start as he was 3 hours late for the wedding and also was bitten on the leg by her dog n there wedding night.

7. 10 MARCH: The Criminal Tribunal is created

8. 1 FEBRUARY: France declares war on England and The Netherlands.

9. 21 JANUARY: Execuation of Louis XVI.

9.1. louis died

10. 1793

11. Napolean (The Little Corpral)

12. 11 DECEMBER: The trial of Louis XVI begins.

12.1. People start hating louis XVI

13. provided the focus of political debate and revolutionary law-making

14. 1 OCTOBER: The Legislative Assembly is formed.

15. 27 APRIL: The Cordeliers club is formed.

15.1. The Cordeliers is the club that wanted all man to have civil rights.

16. June, 17, 1789- The third estate declares that it is now the National Assembly.

17. 26 AUGUST: The Assembly adoptes The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen.

18. 1790

19. 1791

20. 20 JUNE: The royal family attempts to flee France and is apprehended.

21. 1792

22. 21 SEPTEMBER: The Legislative Assembly becomes the Convention and the Monarchy is abolished.