The Cats in Krasinski Square.

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The Cats in Krasinski Square. von Mind Map: The Cats in Krasinski Square.

1. Important Statements

1.1. " My Jewish armband burned with the rags I wore when I escaped the Ghetto"

1.2. " My brave sister, Mira, all that I is left our family, my brave sister tells me the plan, the newest plan to smuggle food inside the Ghetto"

2. Thoughts.

2.1. Why is that girl playing with cats.

2.2. That girl Mira is very brave to try to smuggle food into the ghettos.

2.3. Where did all the cats go after the dogs chased them?

3. Keywords

3.1. Krasinski Square

3.1.1. Goal 1

3.1.2. Goal 2

3.2. Ghettos

3.2.1. Session Rule 1

3.2.2. Session Rule 2

3.2.3. Session Rule 2

3.3. Jewish Armband

3.4. Gestapo

4. The message

4.1. The message behind the story is about a girl and her sister that escaped he ghettos and want to help the people the left and give them food.

5. How it deals with change

5.1. It deals with change by showing how that little girl used to live in the ghettos and that now lives in the regular town with polish people.