Souring Across California

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Souring Across California von Mind Map: Souring Across California

1. Identify geographical features in CA (Deserts, Mountains, Valleys, Hills, Costal Areas, Ocean, Lakes, River)

1.1. Check out

1.2. Create a map on ____ identifying all of the major geographical features in CA.

2. Students describe the physical and human geography visually of people, places, and environment in a spatial context.

2.1. Maps

2.2. Tables

2.3. Graphs

2.4. Photographs

2.5. Charts

3. Welcome again!

3.1. We hope you'll have fun with MindMeister ...

3.2. Get started now!

3.3. ... and some great ideas too!

4. Students trace the ways in which people have used the resources of the local region and modified the physical environment (e.g. dam construction upstream changed a river coastline.)

4.1. Create a brochure that identifies one man made resource to modify the physical environment. (Ask yourself what are some other man made resources we have made that have changed the natural appearance of CA.)

4.1.1. Online Help

4.1.2. Use Cases & Templates Personal Todo List Vacation Planning Meeting Minutes Project Plan more...

4.1.3. Tools and Gadgets Offline Mode Geistesblitz Tools Email & SMS Gateways Offline Mode

5. Students understand