My Connections with the Book Trapped Between The Lash and the Gun

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My Connections with the Book Trapped Between The Lash and the Gun von Mind Map: My Connections with the Book Trapped Between The Lash and the Gun

1. Text to World

1.1. When I read Trapped,it makes me think of many things.

1.1.1. Slavery,And How Tough It Was Back Then

1.1.2. Time Travel Paradoxes

1.1.3. Gangs

1.1.4. Violence etc.

2. Text to Text

2.1. This book reminds me of another book (Geronimo Stilton:Kingdom of Fantasy). In both books, the main character goes to another realm to do a mission (without will of doing so).Geronimo must go to another dimension to help this princess and her people. Jordan goes back in time by accident and wants to go back.

3. Text to Self

3.1. This book reminds me of one of my own experiences. One day I had to be more independent and not rely on others to help me. Jordan goes though the same when he went back in time.

4. Text to Images

4.1. In this book, many images can be relate-able . Look at for more info.

5. Text to Cinema

5.1. Many movies can also well describe the theme of this book.

5.1.1. "12 years a slave"

5.1.2. "Amazing Grace"

5.1.3. "The Foxes of Harrow"