Haiti Brainstorm

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Haiti Brainstorm von Mind Map: Haiti Brainstorm

1. Thank you Cards

1.1. Artwork

1.1.1. bring in artist to spend day with kids creating designs

1.1.2. vote: on top X designs to create cards

1.2. Story:

1.2.1. each card has story of child w/picture possibly in creole

1.2.2. Hook: $10 for Them creating an 'unorphanage'. http://hopetohaiti.com/10-for-them/ $10 from every subscription card bundle goes here Gratitude = not thinking about the basics we take for granted. $10/mo will cover food, shelter, water, clothing and education for 1 child

1.3. subscription model

1.3.1. paypal or stripe

1.3.2. 1 new design per month = buyer is supporting XX different packages could support water, food, etc

1.3.3. pricing $20-25/bundle of 10 cards

1.3.4. Kids could get paid $XX in 1-time license fee for artwork or a scholarship

1.4. Possible names:

1.4.1. Cards for Haiti

1.4.2. Hope Notes

1.4.3. Cards for Kids (taken)

1.4.4. hARTforHaiti

1.4.5. Hope2Haiti

1.5. Electronic card version

1.5.1. sharing

1.5.2. Place for people receiving cards to share inspiration/hope with kids back in Haiti

1.6. Printing/fulfillment

1.6.1. on demand?

1.6.2. 100% recycled made in USA

1.6.3. Paper sources (list from most useful to least useful) French Paper www.frenchpaper.com Beautiful (and pricey) papers for screen printing, letterpress, and offset Cut Cardstock www.cutcardstock.com Affordable source for envelopes, cards, and cut sheets of many professional papers Paper Source www.papersource.com Fancy envelopes and cut sheets in a rainbow of colors Paper Presentation www.paperpresentation.com Specialty papers and envelopes

1.6.4. Printing Idea: buy a professional printer and print ourselves Or have it printed from a printer vendor Printing Companies Cat Print www.catprint.com Short run full color offset and digital printing in Rochester, New York Cranky Pressman www.crankypressman.com Letterpress in Salem, Ohio Gilah Press www.gilahpress.com Letterpress in Baltimore, Maryland Hotcards www.hotcards.com Low cost full color offset printing with locations around the East Coast and Midwest

1.6.5. Thought: are there vendors that provide card stock AND print? how do we have the paper vendor and the printing vendor communicate with eachother? what's the process of that?

1.7. Viral

1.7.1. Thunderclap people will donate their social media followers

2. Goals:

2.1. self sustaining / for profit

2.2. supporting Orphanage

2.3. interaction with kids and receipients

2.4. high margin

2.5. Ideal: subscription model

2.6. BIGGER VISION: Basic Needs across Haiti for kids

3. additional revenue streams

3.1. full artwork

4. Key Steps to get going:

4.1. Bring in artist to spend day with kids

4.2. vote on designs

4.3. site selling a subsription model

5. Examples to learn from

5.1. paying it forward w/kindness virus

5.2. chain letters

5.3. gratitude science

5.3.1. http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/expandinggratitude

5.4. Nicelynoted.com

5.5. http://feltapp.com/

5.6. http://www.cardsthatgive.org/about-us/impact/

5.7. http://www.goodcausegreetings.com/about_us/index.asp

5.8. examples: gramr gratitude - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gramrgratitude/gramr-gratitude-co-the-habit-for-happiness

5.8.1. http://techcrunch.com/2014/02/21/gramr/