"To Build a Fire" Vocabulary

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"To Build a Fire" Vocabulary von Mind Map: "To Build a Fire" Vocabulary

1. intangible (adj) - unable to be perceived with the senses.

1.1. untouchable

1.2. abstract

2. pall (n) - a dark cloud or covering of smoke, dust, or similar matter.

2.1. cloak

2.2. veil

3. undulations (n) - a wave-like appearance

3.1. sway

3.2. fluctuations

4. conjectural (adj) - involving guesswork

4.1. speculation

4.2. theory

5. apprehension (n) - fear and worry about the future

5.1. anxiety

5.2. nervousness

6. speculatively (adv) - in a manner intended to test an idea or theory

6.1. theoretical

6.2. hypothetical

7. unwonted (adj) - unaccustomed or unusual.

7.1. abnormal

7.2. amazing

8. reiterated (v) - to repeat

8.1. retell

8.2. restate

9. smote (v) - to inflict a heavy blow

9.1. destroy

9.2. strike

10. imperative (adj) urgently necessary

10.1. vital

10.2. crucial

11. conflagration (n) - a large, destructive fire

11.1. blaze

11.2. inferno

12. apathetically (adv) - having or showing little or no emotion

12.1. unfeeling

12.2. uninterested

13. peremptorily (adv) - in a commanding way that does not allow for refusal or contradiction

13.1. swiftly

13.2. promptly

14. poignant (adj) - evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret.

14.1. sad

14.2. touching