
A mind map for using a robotics context in the Australian Curriculum Digital Technologies Subject Bands 7 and 8.

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Robotics von Mind Map: Robotics

1. Use RobotC with Mindstorms or arduinos. Create programs that involve decisions and reusable code blocks. Structure program to incorporate a loop.

2. 8.5 Define and decompose real-world problems taking into account functional requirements and usability, technical, economic, environmental and social constraints

2.1. Design and develop robotics programs to solve robot challenge problems.

3. 8.6 Design the user experience of a digital system, generating, evaluating and communicating alternative designs

3.1. Look at multiple ways to communicate commands with a robot. Eg. Can a robot be programmed to stop using different cues from the user such as a clap or a red piece of cardboard.

4. 8.7 Design algorithms represented diagrammatically and in English; and trace algorithms to predict output for a given input and to identify errors

4.1. Plan a robot program using visual algorithms. Test the algorithm identifying changes and improvements.

4.2. Use an online flow charting tool like lucid draw or gliffy to create an algorithm for the robot.

5. 8.8 Implement and modify programs with user interfaces involving branching (decisions), iteration (repetition) and functions in a general-purpose programming language

5.1. "Programming Bots" game at G2CS (Girls Gather 4 Computer Science) - vary simple interactive animation; introduces classification & variables, decision trees & logic as you program a cleaning robot,

6. Some robotics applications require robots to work together - discuss how hardware, software and network protocols impact the synergy between robots.

7. 8.1 Investigate how data is transmitted and secured in wired, wireless and mobile networks, and how the specifications of hardware components impact on applications and networks

7.1. Discuss protocols used for uploading robotics program over a wired cable.

7.2. Discuss protocol used for wireless communication between robots or through a remote control.

8. 8.2 Investigate how text, image and audio data are represented in binary and how these are represented

8.1. Explain how text is displayed on a robotics display

8.2. Explain how a robot speaker interprets an audio file to create digitized sound.

8.3. Discuss why numToText and TextToNum conversions are needed.

9. 8.9 Evaluate how well developed solutions and existing information systems are innovative and meet needs, and anticipate future risks and benefits for economic, environmental and social sustainability

9.1. Consider real world implications. What adjustments would be required for te program to operate in different environmental conditions.

10. 8.11 Planning and managing projects, including tasks, time and resources required, considering safety and sustainability

10.1. Imagine your robot was 10 times bigger - what safety precautions would be needed?

10.2. Investigate safety precautions used by robotics engineers eg. CSIRO