ATSS student production assistant learning map *draft*

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ATSS student production assistant learning map *draft* von Mind Map: ATSS student production assistant learning map *draft*

1. course production

1.1. Moodle

1.1.1. basics (site structure, uploading and organizing files)

1.1.2. assignment

1.1.3. quiz add Q&A to question bank create categories, move questions between categories importing/exporting questions create a quiz and add ?s by category

1.1.4. forum

1.1.5. TurnItIn

1.1.6. LTI (wide range - VT, eTextbooks, etc)

1.1.7. consider iClicker and Lesson activities as well?

1.2. Coursera

1.2.1. quiz

1.2.2. video upload

1.2.3. caption process

2. soft skills/SDOs

2.1. Responsibility/Accountability

2.2. Independence/Interdependence

2.3. Goal orientation

2.4. Self-awareness

2.5. Resilience

2.6. Appreciation of differences

2.7. Tolerance of ambiguity

3. media production

3.1. What resources could be used from Video self-help guide?

3.2. pre-production

3.2.1. release forms

3.3. production

3.3.1. EDLs

3.4. post-production

3.4.1. review storage structure and how to upload files

3.4.2. how to move/copy files (iMovie, iPhoto)

3.4.3. editing process audio noise reduction, Pt 1 audio noise reduction, Pt 2

3.4.4. peer review

3.4.5. exporting, delivering, distribution, publishing, captioning (break into small sections and link to appropriate resources) add caption track in YouTube add caption track in Camtasia (Mac)

3.5. screen capture

3.5.1. understanding screenshots

3.5.2. Presenter

3.5.3. Camtasia

3.5.4. preparing for a Camtasia recording

3.5.5. audio recordings in 64 McNeal Hall (should students be able to handle these themselves?)