Death: Hinduism

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Death: Hinduism von Mind Map: Death: Hinduism

1. Belief in the afterlife

1.1. Samsara/reincarnation

1.1.1. souls are immortal

1.1.2. death is temporary

1.2. karma decides future life

1.3. life is an illusion: liberation is to be free of this and to see the world as it really is (achieve moksha - liberation from samsara)

2. mourning rituals

2.1. Mourning period lasts for 13 days. During this time, the family of the deceased will usually stay at home and receive visitors. A photograph of the deceased may be displayed, and a garland of flowers may be placed on the photograph.


4. Antyesti/funeral rituals

4.1. If a Hindu is approaching death, a priest should be contacted and the priest and the family should gather to be with the dying person. Those present should chant mantras or play a recording of mantras being chanted. When death seems imminent, the body should, if possible, be transferred to a grass mat on the floor. A small amount of water from the Ganges River should be placed in the dying person’s mouth. If this is not possible before death, then these actions should take place immediately following the death.

4.2. Afterwards everybody avoids touching the body (impure)

4.3. Funeral preparations begin immediately. The funeral should take place as soon as possible -traditionally, by the next dusk or dawn, A priest should be contacted and can help guide in the decision-making.

4.4. Only men attend the cremation

4.5. The ashes immersed in the Ganges River

5. sacred symbols

5.1. ॐ - aum, a sacred sound

5.2. Funeral flowers symbolize the family's love to the dead.