Climate in Crisis

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Climate in Crisis von Mind Map: Climate in Crisis

1. Greenhouse Effect

1.1. Burning Fossil Fuels

1.1.1. oil refinery

1.1.2. coal mine

1.1.3. Natural Gas

1.1.4. Release CO2 into Atmosphere

2. Human Footprint

2.1. Population Explosion

2.2. Farms

2.2.1. pesticides

2.2.2. fertilizerz

2.3. Travel

2.3.1. Train

2.3.2. Plane

2.3.3. Car

3. Air Pollution

3.1. Methane Gas

3.2. Acid Rain

3.2.1. acid rain runoff

3.2.2. nitrogen

3.2.3. sulpher dioxide

3.3. Smog

3.3.1. damaging ozone

4. Destroying Rainforests

4.1. erosion of soil

4.1.1. trees don't have the fertile soil to grow rain sweeps fertile soil into rivers and eventually to ocean

4.2. loss of moisture in soil

4.2.1. land becomes barren less CO2 is absorbed

4.3. loss of more than 1/2 of Earths plants and animals

4.3.1. lowers biodiversity

4.4. timber companies

4.4.1. furniture

4.4.2. firewood

4.5. ranchers

4.5.1. cows

4.5.2. sheep

4.6. cut down rainforest for crops

5. Overheating

5.1. Evaporation

5.1.1. drought

5.2. ice caps melt

5.2.1. Flooding

5.3. extreme weather

5.3.1. heatwaves

6. Waste-Water and Land

6.1. megacities

6.1.1. bury waste

6.1.2. mercury and lead seep into aquifers

6.2. sewage

6.2.1. freshwater is polluted

6.2.2. factories dump chemicals, metals, and oil

6.3. litter

6.3.1. junk mail

6.3.2. plastics plastic kills animals plastic takes centuries to disintegrate