The Just War Theory

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The Just War Theory von Mind Map: The Just War Theory

1. The Battle of Agincourt

1.1. Goes against Legitimate authority: Technically Henry V is not the king yet when he wages war

1.2. Goes against Right Intention: He killed prisoners out of worry and out of his own personal feelings

1.3. Also goes against Last Resort: This war is caused out of worry, not as a last resort after diplomacy

2. The First Crusades

2.1. Attacks on the Jews in Rhineland

2.1.1. Goes against proportionality: No good is achieved, the destruction is worse than than any positive result

2.1.2. Goes against Right Intention: The only aim is death and destruction, not justice

2.2. The massacre following the siege of Jerusalem

2.2.1. Muslims slaughtered without mercy

2.2.2. Goes against non-combatant immunity: Innocent civilians were slaughtered

2.2.3. Proportionality: This battle went on long after it had become a massacre

3. The Counter Refromation

3.1. Goes against the last resort: An army is formed before diplomacy is attempted

3.2. Goes against Just Cause: The Cause in this situation is not really justifiable, because all people involved are Christians.