Historical Documents- Tyler Frendt

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Historical Documents- Tyler Frendt von Mind Map: Historical Documents- Tyler Frendt

1. 2.) Who was responsible for writing it?

1.1. The authors of these writings, unlike those who wrote articles and essays in support of and promoting a firmer and more connected union, wrote mostly under pen names and were not engaged in an organized project.

2. Anti-Federalist Papers

2.1. 1.) What is the general purpose of this document?

2.1.1. To try and get people to vote against the constitution.

2.2. 3.) What time frame was/is the document significant?

2.2.1. 1787

2.3. 4.) How is the document structured?

2.3.1. it is structured in different reasons why not to vote for the constitution.

2.4. 5.) What are the top 5 most important things we need to know about this document?

3. Articles of Confederation

3.1. 1.) What is the general purpose of this document?

3.1.1. An agreement among the 13 founding states that established the United States of America as a confederation of sovereign states and served as its first constitution.

3.2. 2.) Who was responsible for writing it?

3.2.1. Continental Congress

3.3. 3.) What time frame was/is the document significant?

3.3.1. November 15, 1777 March 1, 1781

3.4. 4.) How is the document structured?

3.4.1. it is structured as a general guideline on how to run the government.

3.5. 5.) What are the top 5 most important things we need to know about this document?

3.5.1. 5. was replaced by the constitution

3.5.2. 4. had many flaws

3.5.3. 3. government didn't have the power to enforce laws.

3.5.4. 2. required every state to agree on a subject for the law to be passed.

3.5.5. 1. couldn't effectively run a government

4. Bill of rights

4.1. 1.) What is the general purpose of this document?

4.1.1. To explain every citizens natural right.

4.2. 2.) Who was responsible for writing it?

4.2.1. James Madison

4.3. 3.) What time frame was/is the document significant?

4.3.1. September 25, 1789 December 15, 1791

4.4. 4.) How is the document structured?

4.4.1. Listed in numerical order of every citizens natural right.

4.5. 5.) What are the top 5 most important things we need to know about this document?

4.5.1. 5. First 10 amendments of the constitution.

4.5.2. 4. Divided the powers to form a better government.

4.5.3. 3. allowed us to own guns

4.5.4. 2.Gave us the right to vote

4.5.5. 1. Freedom of speech!

5. Declaration of independence

5.1. 1.) What is the general purpose of this document?

5.1.1. To separate the colonist from Britain and tell the world that they are their own country.

5.2. 2.) Who was responsible for writing it?

5.2.1. Thomas Jefferson was the main author of the declaration of independence.

5.3. 3.) What time frame was/is the document significant?

5.3.1. The year of 1776

5.4. 4.) How is the document structured?

5.4.1. It is structured in many different sections. Each one is meant for a different problem or topic.

5.5. 5.) What are the top 5 most important things we need to know about this document?

5.5.1. 5. It separated us from Britian

5.5.2. 4. It opened a door for trading with other countries.

5.5.3. 3. Started the USA.

5.5.4. 2. It gave the colonists a voice to speak against britain.

5.5.5. 1. It gave us a chance at freedom.

6. Federalist Papers

6.1. 1.) What is the general purpose of this document?

6.1.1. promoting the ratification of the United States Constitution

6.2. 2.) Who was responsible for writing it?

6.2.1. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay

6.3. 3.) What time frame was/is the document significant?

6.3.1. between October of 1787 and August 1788.

6.4. 4.) How is the document structured?

6.4.1. "The utility of the UNION to your political prosperity" – covered in No. 2 through No. 14 "The insufficiency of the present Confederation to preserve that Union"—covered in No. 15 through No. 22 "The necessity of a government at least equally energetic with the one proposed to the attainment of this object"—covered in No. 23 through No. 36 "The conformity of the proposed constitution to the true principles of republican government"—covered in No. 37 through No. 84 "Its analogy to your own state constitution"—covered in No. 85

6.5. 5.) What are the top 5 most important things we need to know about this document?

6.5.1. 5.Incuraged the constitution

6.5.2. 4. written to support the ratification of the Constitution, specifically in New York

6.5.3. 3. Separate ratification proceedings took place in each stat

6.5.4. 2. Federal judges, when interpreting the Constitution, frequently use the Federalist Papers as a contemporary account of the intentions of the framers and ratifiers

6.5.5. 1. Made it so you only need 2/3 vote to do something

7. Northwest Ordinance

7.1. 1.) What is the general purpose of this document?

7.1.1. To establish new states in the northwest and establishe a guide line on how to become a state.

7.2. 2.) Who was responsible for writing it?

7.2.1. Nathan Dane

7.3. 3.) What time frame was/is the document significant?

7.3.1. 1787

7.4. 4.) How is the document structured?

7.4.1. It establishes 3 new states. It is Also structured on setting new rules or guide lines for becoming a new state.

7.5. 5.) What are the top 5 most important things we need to know about this document?

7.5.1. 5. Ohio was first state in this area

7.5.2. 4. Made 3 new states

7.5.3. 3. Set guid lines for new states

7.5.4. 2. No Slavery

7.5.5. 1. From lands south of the Great Lakes, north and west of the Ohio River, and east of the Mississippi River.

8. Constitution

8.1. 1.) What is the general purpose of this document?

8.1.1. The constitution replaced the articles of confederation and was wrote in 1787. It basically creates a central government, gives the government powers (like to collect taxes), provides procedures for scenarios such as elections and supreme court nominations, and protects the rights of the people from the government.

8.2. 2.) Who was responsible for writing it?

8.2.1. The founding fathers

8.3. 3.) What time frame was/is the document significant?

8.3.1. 1787

8.4. 4.) How is the document structured?

8.4.1. It is structured to set up a central government, explaining what to do in different scenarios and explaining who gets what powers

8.5. 5.) What are the top 5 most important things we need to know about this document?

8.5.1. 5. Set up a central government

8.5.2. 4. established distribution of power

8.5.3. 3. gave the government power to enforce laws.

8.5.4. 2. gave people the power to vote for power in the government

8.5.5. 1. Made a better country