The teacher leaves the room and someone starts bullying you

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The teacher leaves the room and someone starts bullying you von Mind Map: The teacher leaves the room and someone starts bullying you

1. You could simply decide to just ignore them and do what you were doing before. You could ask help from an adult. Or you can hit him back

1.1. Ignoring them, might cause them to continue on bullying you because you did not do anything to respond to them. Hitting them back, might make them even ore angrier, and bully you with even more violently, Asking help from an adult, might stop the situation right now, but it won't help later.

1.1.1. If for i was getting bullied, i would first ignore them untl I recach my limit. Then I would tell them whats happening. And I could tell an adult for help. Just simply ignoring the bullies, is not my way. Because I am not the kind that jsut stands and wait for the bullies to start. If I knew that it was their problem and they were the ones who were making the wrong decision, I would do whatever they are doing to us. And then, I would tell a teacher or the principal and explain to them what was happening. Well, if I punch the bully back they might start bullying me even more. So I think my decision will be to ask a teacher to make them stop. If I tell a teacher, the bullies will have to stop unless they want to get suspended or get into big trouble. I have never been bullied, but if I was a bully I would not want to risk something even more important to make someone feel sad and depressed.