You are invited to a party with alcohol and no adults

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You are invited to a party with alcohol and no adults von Mind Map: You are invited to a party with alcohol and no adults

1. Make an excuse not to go, Invite an adult to come supervise, Not show up, Tell them you aren't comfortable with the situation.

1.1. You or other people at the party could get dangerously drunk, Injuries could occur and without adults it could be difficult to fix, In an emergency there's no one qualified to help, You could get bullied for not going.

1.1.1. Your family may not allow you to be at an un supervised party with alcohol, Your religion may not support drinking, You may not feel comfortable. You could have fun. I would not go to the party. If i was feeling uncomfortable or stressed about the situation, I would just not go to avoid any further stress or any of the bad consequences. I would nicely tell the host I'm not going to attend. If I was bullied for not going, I would find out the people who are bullying are not good friends and start surrounding myself with better people and explain to them why they are being unpleasant.