Richard Rogers+Architects

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Richard Rogers+Architects von Mind Map: Richard Rogers+Architects

1. Systems

1.1. Architecture can now be the product of repetitive components made in a factory.

2. Public

2.1. Public spaces are the physical realisation of society's values.

3. Green

3.1. 'Green' implies buildings and cities that are designed to be environmentally responsible.

4. Legible

4.1. Legibility in architecture finds order,scale and expression in the process of construction.

5. Lightweight

5.1. Lightweight structures achieve more with less material.

6. Urban

6.1. Compact, multi-centred cities are the only sustainable future for urban development.

7. Transparent

7.1. Transparency in architecture is a representation of the breakdown of traditional hierarchies, as well as opening up buildings to light and view.