Study for a big test or go to a concert?

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Study for a big test or go to a concert? von Mind Map: Study for a big test or go to a concert?

1. Go to concert

1.1. Stress about the test the next day

1.1.1. Do badly on test and didn't even enjoy the concert Added stress at the end of the semester due to low overall grade

1.2. Push the test out of mind

1.2.1. Do poorly on test but at least enjoyed concert Added stress at the end of the semester due to low overall grade

2. Stay at home to study

2.1. Get distracted by the fact that not at the concert

2.1.1. Do poorly on test Stress at end of semester due to lower overall grade

2.2. Stay focused while studying

2.2.1. Do very well on test Less stress at end of semester due to higher grade in class