The Renaissance and Reformation

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The Renaissance and Reformation von Mind Map: The Renaissance and Reformation

1. Social Structure

1.1. Cosimo Medici

1.2. Leonardo

2. Classical Literature

2.1. Aristole

2.2. Plato

3. Humanism

3.1. God

3.2. Realism

3.3. Bruni

3.4. Emotions

3.5. Salutati

4. Courtier

4.1. Noble Birth

4.2. Fame

4.3. Honour

5. Revolutionary Art

5.1. 3-D Art

5.2. Linear Perp.

6. War and Conflict

6.1. Crusades

6.1.1. Arabic trade

6.1.2. Take back Jerusalem

7. Renaissance Man

7.1. Nicolo Machuavelli

7.2. A man with goals

7.3. Strength

8. Trade

8.1. Merchants

8.2. Medici Bank

9. Islamic World

9.1. Philosophy

9.2. Medicine

9.3. Mathematics