Skills Audit

Solve your problems or get new ideas with basic brainstorming

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Skills Audit von Mind Map: Skills Audit

1. AS

1.1. Teen drama - was the main focus as i am a teenager, i used stereotypes which would indicate to other teens exactly what was happening

1.2. Movie opening - that was the task set which helped me really think about what could be done

1.3. Blogging -i had to keep up to date on the blog practically every week, it was a lot of work but worth it has it helped me improve my research

2. Filming

2.1. The mise en scene in my teen drama opening was very good as i did research of what teenage characters wear, what they look like and also what there personalities are like

2.2. the locations i used were very good as they are the ones which set up the scene and made it look like a home as, that was part if the storyline

2.3. using the storyboard and production schedule was really good, as i didn't miss out on much shots when filming and hardly any time was wasted

3. Developments

3.1. I have improved my editing skills - especially in final cut pro

3.2. I know how to use the camera very well than i did before, because before the camera was nearly on the tripod all the time when it didn't need to be also sometimes the cameras reflection was seen in the footage which

3.3. I have learnt that it is okay to film for a long time to ensure there is enough shots to be able to edit

4. Problems

4.1. Editing- it was hard to make it look like it was seamless as some shots were skipped out when filming

4.2. Filming Time - staying out longer to film so i make no mistakes

4.3. Variety of shot types - not enough close ups were used as close up show much more facial expression and objects in the scene